Study day The Art of Philosophising


Study day The Art of Philosophising

ITA Academy


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Study day The Art of Philosophising
ITA Academy

There are all kinds of exciting programmes for pupils and students, but as a teacher yourself, how do you stay fresh and inspired? In the training courses at ITA, you dive deeper into the subject matter and explore together. At the same time, there is room to question and inspire yourself and each other.

Study day The Art of Philosophising

"Don't teach children art, teach them to think like an artist." At Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA), philosophising with children and young people is an essential part of our programmes. We like to pass on the methodology we use (founder is Berrie Heesen). During the in-service training day, a teacher from ITA Academy will elaborate on the art of philosophising with young people.

You will dive fully into the methodology of philosophising and practice with each other. You will experience how to convert the discussion material into theatrical material. Even if you already know the methodology, this day is highly recommended. We often hear: you cannot practice applying the methodology often enough.

More study days

More study days are available at ITA. For example, on citizenship. If you would like to organise a training for your school team, we would be happy to think along with you. 

Tip: make use of your annual training budget


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