Sign of the Times


Sign of the Times

Internationaal Theater Amsterdam / De Balie


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Sign of the Times
Internationaal Theater Amsterdam / De Balie

In the programme series Sign of the Times, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam and debate centre De Balie link performances at ITA to today's big social issues in a unique combination of theatre and conversation. In previous episodes, Femke Halsema and Thierry Baudet reflected on political identity, we spoke with Hans Achterhuis and Connie Palmen about Judas and betrayal, French writer Kamel Daoud shed light on colonial identity, and we looked at the Indonesian struggle for independence with David Van Reybrouck. With Sign of the Times, De Balie and Internationaal Theater Amsterdam aim to open the conversation, bring groups of people together and provide space for multiple perspectives. Even, or especially, when opinions differ.

Details about each specific programme with be announced later.

Run time tba
Genre perspective
Language Dutch

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