Huis van Troje


Huis van Troje

Toneelschuur Producties / Mateusz Staniak / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam


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Huis van Troje
Toneelschuur Producties / Mateusz Staniak / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

The Trojan War is a myth, but the fall of Troy is a fact. But where do the stories begin and the facts cease to exist? When a war rages on the screens of our TVs or smartphones, we think we are seeing the truth, while it is a story presented to us by the media. How are the facts presented? And who benefits?

Run time tba
Genre theatre
Language Dutch

In Gesprek Fri April 5

Huis van Troje

Troy is on the verge of collapse. The city's future is determined not by fate or the gods, but by the Trojan elite: Queen Hecuba only accepts victory and is willing to sacrifice everything for it. Andromache must secure the throne for her son. And Cassandra believes she is the only one who can save her family from themselves.
Through their position of power, the privileged class can afford a level of comfort and security. Meanwhile, the people are on the battlefield. But what is patriotism worth if overcoming war mainly ensures a privileged, established order?

Huis van Troje (directed by Mateusz Staniak) is inspired by Cassandra by Lesia Ukrainka, Greek tragedies, mythology and current events. To be seen in April 2024 in International Theater Amsterdam (ITA). Tickets for sale via
Mateusz Staniak
Mateusz Staniak

Mateusz Staniak is a young Polish director who lives and works in Amsterdam. He studied directing at the Academie voor Theater en Dans and graduated with the theatre productions Kortinthe, 2057 and The Limits of the Self. With the Noord Nederlands Toneel, he made Odyssey for their online platform NITE Hotel. In 2021 he directed Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht by Édouard Louis at Schauspeilhaus Bochum.

Mateusz is an experimental director who is fascinated by the possibility of reinventing reality through theatre.

In season 22|23 Staniak will direct Hamlet and Ophelia, a collaboration between Toneelschuur Productions and ITA as part of the joint talent development program. As part of this collaboration Staniak will also direct Huis van Troje in season 23|24.

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inspired by Cassandra of Lesia Ukrainka, greek tragedies, mythology and current events
co-production Toneelschuur Producties / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
directed by Mateusz Staniak
with Nadia Amin, Yaqien Bouhbaka, Elsie de Brauw, Laura de Geest, Mona Lahousse, Carlo Paardenkooper

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