

Theater Rotterdam / Davy Pieters


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Theater Rotterdam / Davy Pieters

In HEAT, the youngest generation of a family radically breaks with what has been passed on to them by their (grand) parents. It shows the struggles associated with that break and with finding your place within the family again. In HEAT, a family stands as a metaphor for our society.

Run time tba
Genre theatre
Language language no problem

In Gesprek Fri April 19


Heat is everywhere. It is impossible to flee from heat and all resistance is in vain. The ever-rising, uncontrollable temperature affects us all. In HEAT, theatre-maker Davy Pieters zooms in on how climate change affects the interrelationships within a family. In this apocalyptic performance, Pieters examines the way behaviour, patterns and trauma are passed on from generation to generation.

With HEAT, Pieters brings her performance the big stage for the first time and is supported by a colossal fifty-strong choir in a copper set of monumental proportions. The overwhelming choral singing propels the heat to unprecedented heights and creates a conflagration of sound.
In her four-part series about growing up in a future world, Pieters links her powerful imagery to different stages of life and the four elements of nature. After CRISPR, which focuses on the element water, and Not all is lost, which deals with earth, she now uses fire as a metaphor for our global system and behaviour.

In this performance, Pieters uses performance, scenography and soundscape as a microscope through which she examines the impact of climate change. In doing so, she zooms in on our collective fears, but also on human hope and resilience for future times.


concept and direction Davy Pieters


After the performance, come and think, listen and chat at In Gesprek. We invite a guest to further explore the themes of HEAT and to exchange experiences. If you have any questions, this is the perfect time to ask them. In Gesprek is free of charge and starts shortly after the performance in one of our foyers, is conducted in Dutch and lasts about half an hour.

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