5 HAVO drama Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam speelt 'Op zoek naar...' in ITA Toneelbeeld


5 HAVO drama Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam speelt 'Op zoek naar...' in ITA Toneelbeeld

ITA Academy / MLA


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5 HAVO drama Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam speelt 'Op zoek naar...' in ITA Toneelbeeld
ITA Academy / MLA

What if, on a show programme, you were allowed to run for the position of 'the new Messiah'? What would you say to convince people to follow you? What gets people moving? And how far would you go to achieve your goal? What if God was one of us?

5 HAVO drama Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam performs Op zoek naar... in ITA's Toneelbeeld of Judas.

Spelen in ITA Toneelbeeld

Duration 40 minutes
Genre Theatre
Language Dutch

Tickets (regular €6.50 / MLA €5.00) can be booked via opzoeknaarmla2023@gmail.com. Please include your name, number of tickets and phone number.


cast Luca Bijleveld, Marco Bizarro, Mary Bond- Jacques, Aasia Bramble, Felica Fernandes, Olivia Geels, Philine Glimmerveen, Luka Gorter, Yke Kalis, Julia Kok, Nina Kuiper, Bibi Melief, Lucia Mullink, Isabel Nolan, Anna Pellati, Juliën van Putten, Bartel Rijpkema, Aya Tam, Elvie Veldhuizen, Kyra Verheul and Skyler ter Voert
directed by Charlotte Post